
 Michael Koslowski - Psychiatrist, psychotherapist and researcher at CHU Charité Berlin


Currently in residence at IMERA, Michael Koslowski is leading an interdisciplinary project on the revival of psychedelics for the treatment of mental illness. His interdisciplinary background lies at the crossroads of philosophy, medicine, psychiatry and neuroscience. His research interests focus on new approaches to the treatment of drug-resistant depression through the use of psychedelics.


Alice Guyon - CNRS Research Director at CRPN and author

Prior to joining CRPN, Alice Guyon worked for 22 years at the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire in Nice. Her neuroscience research focuses on interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system in relation to the environment. More recently, she has turned her attention to the study of non-ordinary altered states of consciousness (hypnosis, meditation, etc.) and their effect on health and memory.


Claire Sergent - Professor at Université Paris Cité


Attached to the Centre de Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognition 2020 Claire Sergent has been awarded an ERC Consolidator grant for the Consciousbrain project set up by her laboratory, the Sergent Consciousness Lab. Using experimental psychology and neuroimaging (EEG - iEEG - MEG - fMRI), she is particularly interested in studying the distinction between conscious and unconscious perception, as well as the mechanism of access to consciousness independent of sensory processing.


Stéphane Charpier - Sorbonne University Professor and Director of Research at the Institut du Cerveau


His neuroscience research focuses on the mechanisms of brain plasticity and epilepsy linked to conscious processes. Lately, he has been focusing on the neurophysiological phenomena of our dying brain. He is also the author of La science de la résurrection.


Thomas Fenzl - Research Director at the Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind


His research focuses on fundamental systemic studies of the neurobiology of loss and recovery of consciousness under general anesthesia. He is also interested in the preoperative biomarker visible during EEG sleep for assessing cognitive deficits after general anaesthesia in Alzheimer's disease, and in the interactions between preoperative anxiety, anaesthesia and postoperative delirium.


Zoltan Dienes - Professor of psychology at the University of Sussex


He works in two areas: consciousness science and scientific reform. As a major part of his consciousness research, he has one of the most active labs in the world investigating hypnosis, or more generally, the process of phenomenological control. In terms of scientific reform, he has advocated methods for obtaining evidence for no effect (using Bayes factors - he provided the first online Bayes factor calculator in 2008); he was on the first Registered Reports editorial board in 2013 (an article type where papers are accepted before the data are collected); and is a co-founder of Peer Community In Registered Reports (, where scientific articles are free for authors and free for readers. 

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